How to Personalize a Christmas Stocking
In this step-by-step tutorial, we will show you how to personalize your Knit Christmas Stocking using a chain stitch embroidery technique.
This tutorial is part two of the Christmas Stocking Knitting Pattern. If you haven’t yet knit your Christmas Stocking, check out the free pattern and video tutorial.

Techniques Used to Personalize a Christmas Stocking
The method that we will be using to personalize this stocking is a embroidery technique called the Chain Stitch. Hand embroidery seems intimidating, but is actually a simple and fast.
The chain stitch can be worked in a beautiful, loopy script for a modern and playful way to customize a stocking. Once you get the hang of this cursive embroidery technique, you’ll be customizing stockings for your whole family!
This is the same technique used to personalize name baby sweaters! Feel free to use the techniques you learn in this tutorial to personalize other things as well!
Step by Step Video Tutorial
A full, start-to-finish video tutorial is available for this pattern.
The video tutorial is always a great place to start for the fastest answer to any question. Timestamps for specific parts of the pattern are linked in the pinned comment.
How to Embroider Your Christmas Stocking
This pattern and photographs of this garment are property of Kaitlin Barthold of Originally Lovely. This pattern, photos, and design are subject to copyright and are for personal use only. All commercial use is strictly prohibited. You may not reproduce or distribute this pattern under any circumstances.
The free version of this pattern must be viewed from the webpage.
Materials Needed to Personalize your Stocking
Step by Step Instructions
After your stocking is felted and completed, you can now embroider the name onto the stocking using a chain stitch.
Step 1
Begin by planning out the way you want your name to look before you begin. You may either write out the name on paper to keep nearby or lay a strand of yarn onto the stocking in a looped cursive style. Pin this yarn onto your work or take a photo to keep track of the letter placement. It is important to have a general idea where you want your letters to go so that you won’t run out of room.

Step 2
Cut a piece of your scrap yarn approx 4’ long and thread onto tapestry needle. You want plenty of length to work with, without being too long that it gets tangled. You can always add more yarn later if you run out.
Step 3
Thread through the top cuff of your stocking where you want your name to begin from the inside, to the outside (from back to front). You will be embroidering through both layers of the double cuff of the stocking. Careful not to pull this strand all the way through, you want a tail on the inside to weave in later.

Step 4
Insert your needle into the same hole, from outside of the stocking to the inside (from front to back).

Step 5
Pull through until you have a small loop (approx 1/2”) remaining.

Step 6
Decide where you want this stitch to end and the next to begin – about 1/4” away from the first stitch – and insert your needle into this loop, from back to front.

Step 7
Pull yarn through and gently tighten to complete the first chain stitch. To keep the stocking smooth, be careful not to over tighten this stitch.

Step 8
Insert your needle into the same hole and pull through from outside to inside until you have a small loop, as done in steps 4-5.

Step 9
Insert your needle into this loop, from back to front, and gently tighten to complete the second chain stitch as done in steps 6-7.

Repeat steps 4-7 for each consecutive stitch to create your embroidered name.
Step 10
When you reach the end of a letter, or a point where you need to finish off your chain, insert your needle into the same hole on the outside of the loop (not into the loop), from front to back. Pull through and tighten gently to secure the final chain stitch.

Step 11
To begin in a new place, insert your needle from back to front and pull through to begin a new chain stitch. Pay careful attention not to pull through too tight, but instead let the strand of yarn carry at a natural tension across the back of your work.

Step 12
Insert your needle into the same hole from front to back and pull through to create a small loop, as done in steps 4-5.

Step 13
Continue in this way as established in steps 4-7 to form your letters. Be sure to finish off the end of each stroke as done in step 10.

How to Make a ‘Dot’
Some lowercase letters have a ‘dot’ — if you need to dot a letter in your embroidery, use the French Knot technique outlined below.
Step 1
To create a ‘dot’ on a letter, insert your needle from back to front where you want the dot to be.

Step 2
Wrap your working yarn around your needle three times to form a ‘french knot’.

Step 3
Insert your needle into a new hole, very close to but not exactly into to the previous hole, from front to back. Pull through gently, holding the twist in place with your other hand.

Step 4
Tighten gently to complete the ‘dot’

Finishing Your Embroidery
When you’ve completed your letters, finish off the end as done in step 10. Weave in all ends behind your work to secure.

Additional Embroidery Tips
- Be careful not to pull your chain stitches too tight. This can cause puckers in your work.
- If you need to join a new strand of yarn, simply leave the old strand at the back of the work and begin with a new strand. Once you’ve completed your name, weave in these ends to secure.
- Be sure to embroider the name AFTER you’ve felted your stocking.
- Don’t worry too much about each chain stitch being the same length, they will look good when completed if they are done with even tension. Longer chain stitches look smoother, but smaller chain stitches help with detail work and tighter turns. Aim to make each stitch about ¼” long, but when you need more detail, use the length that works for your letters.
- Use a scrap yarn with a nice twist and stitch definition for crisp, well defined letters.
- Some people may find it helpful to begin working the name starting with the middle letter, centered in the middle of the stocking cuff. Personally, I don’t find this helpful as some letters take up more space than others.
- Finally and most importantly, have fun with it! It can be hard to feel like it’s never perfect but remember, you will be the most critical of your work. Embrace the cute, imperfections of handmade and be proud of your work!
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Thank you SO much for this!!! I’ve wanted to add at least an initial to our knit stockings but was having a hard time. This saved me and it looks so cute! I may re-do after Christmas to add full names, but for now wanted to finish quickly.
Yay, I am so glad to hear that! Enjoy! (: